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Web Promotion


Search engine submission is the most effective and inexpensive form of web site promotion on the Internet. An effective promotion is the most vital step in getting the web site exposure that you need. At least 80% of web site traffic is generated through Internet search engines and directory searches. Making web site submission a part of your on-line business campaign is essential... It is something you simply must do!
Figuratively, Yahoo! and Google alone make well over 90% of the total online traffic coming to a site. Now that’s impressive figure, isn’t that? So evidently, Search Engine Optimization not only complements a website, but it’s also absolutely indispensable in today’s belligerent market scenario - "if you are not raking in the moolah" through the net, then your competitor might be doing just that. It thus makes perfect business sense to go all out in exploiting the business opportunities at hand. So, go ahead, get hold of that extra edge for your business, and let your target audience find you online !! 
It is important to understand how the search engines and directories work in order to meet their criteria and gain a good position when people do a search. Each search site has it$$s own criteria or rules for listing pages. It is of prime importance that your web pages be tailored for promotion to the top search engines and directories.

We know you are busy, so we offer packages where we review your site and provide easy instructions and cut & paste HTML Code solutions to prime your site for promotion. You don$$t need to learn everything about web promotion - let us do it for you, so you can get on with what you do best...doing business.

These are the key points includes to optimize your website:
1.Search Engine Optimization content development for the site with targeted keywords.
2.Develop keyword density in links.
3.Images optimization (load time with alt tag)
4.Optimization all the pages of the site with keywords
5.Creation of Search Engine Friendly Site Map
6.Spell Checking for all the WebPages
7.Load Time Monitoring & Reporting
8.Link Popularity development
9.HTML Validation Checking
10.HTML Design Analysis & Changes accordingly
11.Browser Compatibility checking
12.Keyword Density maintenance
13.Backlinks Development
14.Creation of Optimized Robots.txt File
15. Develop inbound links for the pages (it will increase pr of the site)
16.Develop outbound links for all the pages (it will increase pr of the site)
17.Work on meta tag with googlebot.
18.Bloging for develop link popularity
19.Maintain forum for the pages to reach more visitor.
20.Depth Keyword Research & Suggestions Related to Your Industry
21.Targeting of Unlimited Keyword Phrases
22.Link Reputation Analysis
23.Linking Strategy and Management
24.Link Management.
25.PPC Management
26.Pay for Placement
27.Organic Search Engine Optimization.
28.Blogs Development.
29.Directory Management
30.Internet Marketing.


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